
LNS Research – Connecting People and Systems to Transform Operations

What's inside:

Research Demographics

The main source of research data presented in this eBook was from a global survey executed by LNS Research. The survey gathered data on the status of Industrial Transformation programs including strategic initiatives, deployment of enabling digital technologies, and use case implementation.

Current State of Connected Worker Initiatives

Much of the first wave of Industrial Transformation investment was directed at process performance improvement based on asset- and equipment-related data and insights. New survey data shows that industrial organizations are shifting to a more holistic view, that digitally integrates frontline workers into the overall operational management system – the Connected Worker.

Emergence of the Digitally Connected Worker

Now with the digital technologies, work on the frontlines is being revolutionized once again with deeper connectivity between the workforce and overall industrial operations. Connected Worker technology enable greater integration between people and systems across operations, extending capabilities to wherever work is performed

Scope, Use Cases, and Evidence of Value

More operational data and information about what’s actually happening on the frontlines empower production, maintenance and other workers to make better, faster decisions. They also are more proactive in identifying and acting on improvement opportunities. Types of data include: digital work instructions, performance, quality, safety, risk, training and more.

Actionable Recommendations and Resources

Connected worker initiatives are gaining traction in industrial organizations and are increasingly recognized as an integral component of Industrial Transformation programs. Read the eBook to learn five actionable recommendations from LNS Research to help start or accelerate your Connected worker initiative.