Scientific Drilling: Improving Efficiency of Repair Operations

Scientific Drilling International is a leading directional drilling services provider with headquarters in Houston, Texas, and nearly 40 locations across 26 countries. Scientific Drilling was founded in 1969, with the introduction of the world’s first downhole electronic steering tool. This innovation enabled the industry to accurately orient downhole motors when drilling directional holes to aid in the exploration and recovery of natural resources including oil, gas, or water.
As a premier provider of directional drilling equipment and high-value services, Scientific Drilling’s long-term goal is to be the “ultimate partner in wellbore placement.” To achieve this vision, Scientific Drilling wanted to double-down on its commitment to tool performance, strategic cost reduction and process optimization. This required a technology partner who not only understood their unique challenges, but could provide a scalable solution that allows them to make better data-driven decisions.
8 weeks
“[Parsable] sets the benchmark when it comes to time and ease of implementation.”
— Rob McKee, SVP of Manufacturing and Product Support
Paperless Operations at Largest Facility
Scientific Drilling first worked with Parsable to transform its largest operation in Oklahoma City. The platform’s intuitive user interface (UI) enabled the Scientific Drilling team to quickly and easily integrate standard work instructions and procedures for all processes related to drill motor assembly, disassembly, and repair into digital workflows on the platform.
Implementation in 8 Weeks
The team started by creating templates for each procedure, including detailed steps and instructions, as well as related content and documentation from the various paper manuals, guides, and checklists. Templates were then combined into workflows based on the job that was being performed. With the dedication of Scientific Drilling and support from Parsable’s Solution Consulting team, this first phase of the Parsable rollout was completed in just eight weeks.
Seamless Collaboration & Oversight
With all work being executed within the Parsable mobile app, technicians and supervisors are now able to see the exact stage of service for each drill motor and communicate in real-time with other technicians to coordinate work or get instant feedback, as well as notify the broader team when a job is complete – all without leaving the Parsable application. Supervisors, on the other hand, are now able to digitally oversee motor repair workflows and ensure quality, both locally or remotely.
Unprecedented Data Insights for Continuous Improvement
The final, and perhaps most important, objective was to parlay this previously unattainable level of visibility and data into real insights. By marrying up execution data collected in Parsable with the data in Scientific Drilling’s existing systems, the team is now able to make knowledgeable decisions from the data. This gives Scientific Drilling a continuous source of actionable process and technology improvement, and enables the team to deliver an even more consistent, higher quality, and more reliable product.
Reduced Inaccurate “Non-conformance” Reports by 95%
Since implementing Parsable at all four of its domestic drill motor repair facilities, Scientific Drilling has seen improvements across the board, from manufacturing operational excellence to cost reduction and tool performance. With the data captured in Parsable, Scientific Drilling can now perform analysis that was previously not possible — or at best required weeks or even months of hand-compiling data.
One example: The company has reduced outstanding “non-conformance” reports by ~95%, while achieving much better cost recovery for tools that are operated outside their design parameters.